
Service description

The Bradgate Mental Health Unit is an acute mental health admissions unit with seven acute admission wards and a ten-bedded male Psychiatric Intensive Care Unit (PICU). There is also a six-bedded female PICU, Griffin Ward, nearby at Herschel Prins Centre.

On admission you will be allocated a bed on one of the seven wards where you will be orientated and given information about inpatient services. You will be allocated a consultant psychiatrist and a named nurse upon admission, jointly and as part of a multi-disciplinary care team, including psychology, occupational therapy, social care, and they will undertake a full assessment of your mental, physical and social needs. Working together collaboratively, we will develop a plan of care which meets your needs and promotes recovery.

Smoke-free Trust
The Trust became smoke free in October 2016 and provides nicotine replacement therapy.

Choice and Medication
To find out more about mental health conditions, treatments and medications, including the latest news and printable leaflets visit choice and medication.

Referral criteria

People with acute mental health difficulties who are experiencing an episode of crisis which is unable to be managed at home with crisis team support or via the crisis house.

Who to contact if you need an interpreter or information about disabled access

For an interpreter, tel: 0116 225 6000

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