Adult Community Mental Health Teams

The Adult Community Mental Health Teams (CMHT) are made up of consultant psychiatrists, psychiatric nurses, occupational therapists, social workers and psychologists providing a range of treatments, interventions and assistance to adults (people aged 16-65) suffering from difficulty with their mental health who have been referred by their GPs or other health professional.

The Adult Community Mental Health Teams provide:

  • advice on the management of mental health problems, in particular advice to primary care and triage to enable appropriate referral
  • treatment and care to those who require time-limited interventions who can benefit from specialist care
  • treatment and care for those with complex and enduring mental health problems
  • support and advice to primary care services to support them in ensuring effective liaison between the Primary Health Care Team (PHCT) and the CMHT to discuss and share the management of patients
  • effective liaison with local Primary Care Team members and other referring agents to shape referrals and support local care
  • expert assessment of mental health problems
  • effective, evidence-based treatments to reduce and shorten periods of distress and suffering.

They also:

  • ensure that inappropriate or unnecessary treatments are avoided
  • ensure adherence to latest NICE guidance
  • establish a detailed understanding of all local resources relevant to support individuals with mental health problems and promote effective inter-agency working
  • assist patients and carers in accessing such support, both to reduce distress but also to maximise personal development and fulfillment
  • provide advice and support to service users, families and carers
  • gain a detailed understanding of the local population, it’s mental health needs and priorities and provide a service that is sensitive to these and religious/gender needs
  • provide a culturally competent service, including ready access to interpreter services for minority languages/British Sign Language
  • provide an accessible service to those who have other communication barriers such as cognitive impairment or a learning disability.

Referral criteria

Severe and persistent mental disorders associated with significant disability, predominantly psychoses such as schizophrenia and bipolar disorder.

Longer-term disorders of lesser severity but which are characterised by poor treatment adherence requiring proactive follow-up.

Any disorder where there is a significant risk of self-harm or harm to others or where the level of support required exceeds that which a primary care team could offer

Disorders requiring skilled or intensive treatments (e.g. vocational rehabilitation, meds maintenance)

Complex problems of management and engagement such as those presented by patients requiring interventions under the Mental Health Act (1983), except where these have been accepted by an assertive outreach team

Severe disorders of personality where these can be shown to benefit by continued contact and support except where these have been accepted by an assertive outreach team or a specialised personality disorder team

Referrals to be made in writing to the appropriate CMHT by post or fax or PRISM.

Criteria exclusion

Those under 16 years of age Those over 65 years of age with a new presentation Those who have an Autistic Spectrum Disorder with an associated learning disability Those with substance misuse problems in the absence of mental health problems Older patients who have previously been known to adult services will continue to be seen unless their difficulties warrant the expertise of older persons’ services.

How to access this service

Speak to your GP.

Speak to any other healthcare professional involved in your care.

What conditions do you cover

  • bi-polar
  • schizophrenia
  • severe depression
  • personality disorder
  • dual-diagnosis
  • autistic-spectrum-disorder (in the presence of an existing mental health problem)
  • ADHD

Contact info

Please see individual bases.

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