Mental Health Wellbeing and Recovery Support Service (MHWRSS)
This service is open to anyone aged 18+ who is experiencing emotional and mental health problems, as well as their carers. Its goal is to help you to maintain and improve your mental wellbeing, become empowered to achieve your goals, and to live a meaningful life. You don’t need a mental health diagnosis to use this service – it is open to people who would benefit from support offered. Please choose the organisation that is local to you.
This service is aimed at providing a first point of access for people who need mental health support. It is designed to be easy to access – people can contact the service direct without the need of seeing their GP – and it provides more than medical support, recognising that mental health issues are often caused by other stresses.
After an initial assessment, support is tailored to what people need and to the outcomes they want to work towards. For example, it can be one-off advice or can be ongoing, face to face support lasting several sessions (about 8-12). Recovery workers are trained to support the person to manage their mental health and the impact it has on different elements of their life. Support covers topics such as finances, home and daily living needs, engaging in the community, employment and developing self-help and coping strategies.
There are four providers and each one is covering a part of the city and/or county. They will be based in their patch meaning that there is someone to work with people needing support at a convenient location.
Leicester City and Rutland – People, Potential, Possibilities
Email: and
Free Phone: 0808 178 0960
Click for more information on support in Rutland and Leicester City on the P3 websites.
North West Leicestershire, Hinckley and Bosworth – Mental Health Matters
24-hour Helpline: 0300 323 0187
Click for more information on the Mental Health Matters website.
Melton and Charnwood – Nottinghamshire Community Housing Association
Phone: 0800434 6126
Click for more information on the NCHA website.
Blaby, Oadby and Wigston, Harborough – Life Links
Phone: 0800 0234 575
Click for more information on the Life Links website.
Referral criteria
This service is open to anyone aged 18+ living in Leicester, Leicestershire or Rutland who is experiencing emotional and mental health problems, as well as their carers.
Criteria exclusion
Anyone under the age of 18. This is not a crisis service. For urgent mental health support please contact our Central Access Point on 0808 800 3302.
How to access this service
This service is designed to be another ‘front door’ for people needing help with their mental health. People can get in touch with the service directly for advice, guidance and support with their mental health instead of going to their GP.
People don’t need a mental health diagnosis or a referral to use this service – it is open to people who would benefit from the support offered.
What conditions do you cover
This service is designed to help people to recover from mental ill health and build resilience, allowing them to focus on achieving outcomes that are important to them this can include:
- Emotional health and wellbeing
- Physical health and wellbeing
- Home and daily living needs
- Feeling in control of your finances
- Feeling safer and more secure in your home, neighbourhood, and community
- Managing personal risks
- Relationships
- Engaging in community activities, education/training, or volunteering
- Considering employment opportunities or sustaining employment
Contact info