Patient/Carer Support Groups

Support for carers

LAMP; is a community mental health charity offering free mental health advocacy to people in Leicester and Leicestershire

Lifelinks; offer Peer Support Groups providing safe, accepting and non-judgemental environments; 0800 0234 575

Joy Social Prescribing App; is a mental health and wellbeing site, helping the community to find help & support across Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland;

Mental Health Matters; is a nationwide charity providing a wide range of support to people with mental health needs; 0300 323 0187 

VASL; is a local charity, providing services, information and projects to improve the lives of people in the community; 01858 433232


Spring Term 2025 Prospectus

We are pleased to launch our Spring Term 2025 Prospectus containing a range of online and classroom courses designed to support your health and wellbeing.

Download our Spring Term 2025 Prospectus here; Spring Term 2025 Prospectus

We are continuing to enrol in person, by telephone call, and online. and the Recovery College is also providing useful links & resources to support mental health via TwitterFacebook.

Please call us on 0116 295 1196 if you wish to speak to a member of the Recovery College team to request a copy of the current prospectus and/or to enrol.

Learn To Surf: An Introduction to Living More Mindfully course

If you suffer from stress or anxiety then mindfulness could help you to slow down, savour the present moment and be more at peace with your world.

Mindfulness, and meditation, has been shown to reduce stress by helping you to be more attentive to the present moment and be less judgmental, especially towards yourself. Mindfulness can even reduce physical symptoms of stress such as hypertension and susceptibility to illnesses such as colds and other ailments.

Our ‘Learn to Surf’ course, is a course which introduces you to mindfulness and its practices – look at our prospectus to find out more, or watch the video by Peer Tutor, Will Read below:

Recovery College Evaluation

Watch this short film which reflects student feedback we received following an evaluation of the college, carried out by Leicester University psychology student Abigail Joiner which was presented to college supporters in May 2018:


Choice and Medication

To find out more about mental health conditions, treatments and medications, including the latest news and printable leaflets, visit Choice and medication.

Other Resources

Royal College of Psychiatrists

LAMP Advocacy



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