Assertive Outreach Service

Assertive Outreach (AO) is a model of care which has proved effective for people with a serious mental illness. The service aims to develop meaningful engagement with a diverse service user group in order to improve the quality of life of people with a history of severe persistent mental illness.

The service takes a multi-disciplinary team approach – nurses, occupational therapists, social workers, psychologists, doctors and support workers can all be involved in a person’s care package. Individual care packages might include:

  • Allocation of a care co-ordinator (all service users)
  • Frequent contact (up to seven days per week)
  • Comprehensive health and social care assessment
  • Practical support with social/employment/educational activities
  • Physical health monitoring
  • Specific psychological/psycho-social intervention
  • Relapse prevention
  • Regular reviews
  • Family/carer support
  • Use of personalised budgets.

Each person’s care package will be tailored to meet their individual needs. This will be discussed/reviewed with the service user on a regular basis.

The Assertive Outreach service is predominately delivered within people’s homes, with occasional contact through outpatient clinics. The service maintains contact with people during any hospital admission.

Referral forms an be found here or ring 0116 295 2233/0700 and request a form. Completed forms can be faxed back to: 0116 295 2451 or emailed to

Referral criteria

Long-term disorders which are characterised by poor treatment adherence requiring assertive follow up. A severe and persistent psychotic mental disorder (e.g. schizophrenia, major affective disorder with psychosis or psychotic depression). High use of inpatient or intensive home based care (e.g. more than two admissions or more than six months input from CRT in the last 2 years). Difficulty in maintaining lasting and consenting contact with services. People subject to the Care Programme Approach. Multiple complex needs including possible interventions under the Mental Health Act (1983).

Criteria exclusion

- Those who do not have a psychotic illness - Those under 16 years of age - Those who have an Autistic Spectrum Disorder with an associated learning disability - Those with substance misuse problems in the absence of mental health problems

How to access this service

Access is by referral.

What conditions do you cover

Schizophrenia, bi-polar with psychosis, psychotic depression.

Contact info

0116 295 2233/0700

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