Rehabilitation Services - Stewart House and The Willows
Our Mental Health Rehabilitation Services are provided from two inpatient units, Stewart House and The Willows. These are inpatient units providing care for people with severe and enduring mental illness.
Stewart House and The Willows are rehabilitation inpatient units providing care for people with severe and enduring mental illness. Due to the severity of their mental health needs, the client group have been unable to sustain living in community settings and require an alternative approach to long stays on acute inpatient wards.
Service users may need up to 15 months to minimise the symptoms and the functional impairment that people may experience through optimal management of symptoms, promotion of activities of daily living and meaningful occupation, screening for physical health problems and promoting healthy living. The service specialises in patients with multiple/lengthy admission to hospital and poor outcomes in terms of sustained community placements with the aim of providing a systematic care pathway.
The patient group (adults 18+) will be highly symptomatic, have several or severe co-morbid conditions and significant risk histories. A high proportion will be detained and may present with some challenging behaviours.
The Willows also provides a locked high dependency unit for those detained under the Mental Health Act (including 2007 amendment and part 3) and have been assessed as requiring a more contained environment to enable them to progress safely with their recovery. Stewart House has 30 beds and The Willows has 38 beds (8 of which provide locked high dependency beds for men who require a more intensive support in a safe environment).
The units are staffed by a multi-disciplinary team which includes nursing staff, medical staff, occupational therapists, psychologists, administrative and housekeeping staff. Additional multi-disciplinary input is provided by speech and language therapists (SALT), physiotherapists and GPs who hold regular surgeries and wellbeing clinics.
Referral criteria
People who come to the service have been unable to continue to live in the community without having to be re-admitted to acute wards several times and may also have been admitted for long periods of time due to the severity of their problems. If you are referred to either of the rehabilitation units, two members of the team will meet with you to assess if rehabilitation would help you, this could be a Doctor, Nurse, Psychologist or OT.
Out of area referrers should contact the units directly for advice/referral form
Patients can only be referred who are already under the care of mental health services in Leicestershire or other areas of the country.
Criteria exclusion
None stated.
How to access this service
Access is by referral.
What conditions do you cover
- Treatment resistive schizophrenia.
- Mood disorder – moderate to severe depression, mania/bipolar.
- Patients with complex needs who are hard to engage and have associated physical health needs which impact on their mental health.
- Complex co-morbid presentations.
Contact info
Stewart House - 0116 295 5750 and The Willows 0116 225 5820
- mental health professional