Falls Prevention Service

The Falls Prevention Service aims to help patients maintain and improve their independence. Our specialist team works in partnership with local authority and voluntary organisations to provide targeted interventions to reduce the risk of further falls occurring.

All referrals into the service are triaged by the Falls Therapy Team. If appropriate patients will either attend the Consultant led Falls Clinic or the six week Falls Prevention Programme. Patients who attend the falls clinic will receive a multifactorial assessment to identify potential risk factors which are contributing to their falls. Patients attending the six week falls prevention programme will complete strength and balance exercises, be provided with advice on how to reduce the risk of further falls occurring, and if required a home visit to identify any potential hazards in the home.

Referral criteria

Patient has a history of a fall(s), high risk/potential to fall or has a fear of falling.

Criteria exclusion

None stated.

How to access this service

To access this service patients need to be referred via a healthcare professional, social care, primary care or by a GP.

What conditions do you cover

Conditions relating to older age, arthritis, stroke, falls, palliative care, respiratory conditions, heart failure and fractures.

Contact info

01530 468 510


  • healthcare professional
  • social care professional
  • primary care nurse
  • GP
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