Dear Colleague

A message from Angela Hillery, chief executive, Leicestershire Partnership Trust:

I would like to ask for your help on an important project Leicestershire Partnership NHS Trust is undertaking.

We are inviting our colleagues in the local health and social care community to share their view of us through an online survey and one-to-one interviews

Last year, we relaunched our strategy, Step up to Great, to help us achieve our new vision: ‘creating high-quality compassionate care and wellbeing for all’. This short film encapsulates this work:

One year on, we feel this is the right time to ask our partners, ‘how are we doing?’.

This exercise is designed to give us greater understanding of what colleagues know about LPT, the work we do, the pressures we face, the values we hold, what we are trying to achieve and what you see as our strengths, as well as where we can improve.

A good number of responses from those of you who interact with LPT on a regular basis is critical to our understanding, so it would be wonderful if you could complete our online survey and encourage others to do so.

You simply need to follow this link:

I hope this gives you an opportunity to tell us what you think we’ve achieved over the last year, where we are doing well and where we could do more to ensure we provide the best care for patients through our many community and mental health settings.

We have appointed an independent organisation, BakerBaird Communications, to undertake this work so that you and colleagues can provide confidential and open feedback.

I expect we will receive the results in November. They will be used to inform and drive our plans to continue to improve the quality of the care we provide and I will make them available to all.

I sincerely hope some of you will take part. And thank you for any help you can give us in this endeavour. It is much appreciated.


Angela Hillery


Leicestershire Partnership NHS Trust