Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services (CAMHS) Inpatient Service

‘The Beacon’ is the name for our CAMHS inpatient facility, a purpose-built facility on the Glenfield Hospital site in the centre of Leicester.

The Beacon has 15 beds for young people between the ages of 13 – 18 who have mental health issues that require inpatient care. We provide assessment, treatment and diagnosis of a range of conditions including, psychosis, depression, anxiety related disorders, behavioural disturbances, eating disorders and learning disability associated with mental health. The team consists of trained psychiatric nurses, psychiatrists, occupational therapists, a family therapist, teachers and psychologists. The treatment package includes both individual and group work. Both the young person and their family are integral to the service provided and will be involved in all aspects of care.

Provides inpatient care for patients aged 13 – 18 years presenting with acute severe mental health problems which require inpatient admission. Planned referrals are also accepted where appropriate.

Refer via the CAMHS Crisis and Home Treatment Team during their working hours or via on-call services.

Form to be typed and fully completed. Referrals to be sent via secure email: and a phone call should made to alert staff of the referral on 0116 295 1193 / 1199

Referral for Access Assessment into Inpatient Services for Children & Young People

Referral criteria

Young people aged 13 – 18 with mental health issues that warrant inpatient services.

Criteria exclusion

None stated.

How to access this service

Access is by referral from a GP or other healthcare professional.


What conditions do you cover

All mental health conditions appropriate for admission.

Contact info

0116 295 1193 / 1199


  • child and adolescent mental health services (CAMHS)
  • GP
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